Family: Anhingidae
Habitat: Lakes, slow-moving streams, and swamps; in fresh water.
Distribution: Breeding range extends from South America, Central America, Mexico, central and eastern Texas, the Gulf coast, and southern Florida north to southeastern Oklahoma, southern and eastern Arkansas, western Tennessee, north-central Mississippi, southern Alabama, southern Georgia, and coastal North Carolina. During the winter, Anhingas are found from central South Carolina, southern Georgia, Florida, and the Gulf coast south throughout the remainder of the breeding range (A.O.U. 1998).
Field Marks: Overall dark body plumage with greenish gloss and white spots or streaks on the wings and upper back.
Nest Habits: Breeds in small groups, usually in association with other herons and egrets. Nest of sticks or dead leaves is typically placed in a small tree.
Eggs: 1-5, usually 4; 53 millimeter; pale blue-green or blue-white in color.
Incubation: Both sexes incubate the eggs and care for the young; incubation lasts approximately 26-29 days.
Habitat: Lakes, slow-moving streams, and swamps; in fresh water.
Distribution: Breeding range extends from South America, Central America, Mexico, central and eastern Texas, the Gulf coast, and southern Florida north to southeastern Oklahoma, southern and eastern Arkansas, western Tennessee, north-central Mississippi, southern Alabama, southern Georgia, and coastal North Carolina. During the winter, Anhingas are found from central South Carolina, southern Georgia, Florida, and the Gulf coast south throughout the remainder of the breeding range (A.O.U. 1998).
Field Marks: Overall dark body plumage with greenish gloss and white spots or streaks on the wings and upper back.
Nest Habits: Breeds in small groups, usually in association with other herons and egrets. Nest of sticks or dead leaves is typically placed in a small tree.
Eggs: 1-5, usually 4; 53 millimeter; pale blue-green or blue-white in color.
Incubation: Both sexes incubate the eggs and care for the young; incubation lasts approximately 26-29 days.