Family: Phalacrocoracidae
Habitat: Coastal waters.
Distribution: Breeding range extends from southeast Alaska to the Gulf of California. Ranges at sea to nearby coastal waters.
Field Marks: Large size, overall dark coloration; note brown-buffy feathers at base of throat pouch. In breeding plumage, thin white plumes appear on head and neck and throat pouch becomes blue.
Nest Habits: Breeds in colonies; nests on the ground, usually in rocky areas.
Eggs: 3-6, usually 4; 62 millimeter; pale blue or white in color.
Incubation: Both sexes incubate the eggs and care for the young.
Habitat: Coastal waters.
Distribution: Breeding range extends from southeast Alaska to the Gulf of California. Ranges at sea to nearby coastal waters.
Field Marks: Large size, overall dark coloration; note brown-buffy feathers at base of throat pouch. In breeding plumage, thin white plumes appear on head and neck and throat pouch becomes blue.
Nest Habits: Breeds in colonies; nests on the ground, usually in rocky areas.
Eggs: 3-6, usually 4; 62 millimeter; pale blue or white in color.
Incubation: Both sexes incubate the eggs and care for the young.