Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)

Family: Podicipedidae

Habitat: Found along lakes, ponds, rivers, and marshes; in winter also along seacoasts, bays, and estuaries.

Distribution: Breeding range extends from central interior and northeastern British Columbia and southern Yukon east across northwestern and central Alberta and southern Manitoba to western Minnesota; and south to northern Baja California, central and southeastern Arizona (and south into Mexico), and south-central Texas. Generally winters from Mexico and Central America north to southern British Columbia, northern Nevada, northern Utah, Montana, and Kansas; more uncommon or rare in the eastern U.S. (i.e., from Kansas east to Maryland, and south to the Gulf coast) during the winter (A.O.U. 1998).

Field Marks: Diagnostic marks during the breeding season include the golden ear tufts and black neck; in winter, note the gray neck and gray cheek bordered by white auricular patch and white throat (compare with Horned Grebe).

Nest Habits: Nests over shallow water, on floating platform of vegetation.

Eggs: 1-6, usually 3-5; 43 millimeter; bluish- or greenish-white in color.

Incubation: Approximately 20-22 days, by both sexes; young are able to fly after about 21 days.