Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis)

Family: Ardeidae

Habitat: Found in marshes with an abundance of tall, emergent vegetation.

Distribution: Breeding range in the west extends from southern Oregon and California south to southern Arizona, Baja California, and western Mexico; in the east, it breeds from southern Manitoba, the Great Lakes region, southern Quebec, Maine, and New Brunswick south to south-central New Mexico, eastern Mexico, Texas, the Gulf coast states, and Florida. Generally winters from southern California, southwestern Arizona, southern Texas, and Florida south into Mexico (A.O.U. 1998).

Field Marks: This is our smallest heron. Dark outer wings show buffy wing patches; back and crown also dark. Easily learnt call is similar to call of Black-billed Cuckoo.

Nest Habits: Nest is placed near or over water, in dense growth of cattails, bulrushes, or other available vegetation and consists of a platform of dried and living plant material.

Eggs: 2-7, usually 4-5; 31 millimeter; bluish-white or greenish-white in color.

Incubation: Both parents incubate the eggs and care for the young. Incubation usually lasts about 19-20 days, and young are able to fly when they are approximately 25 days old.