Family: Sulidae
Habitat: Nests on islands; found in pelagic waters, usually over continental shelf (A.O.U. 1998).
Distribution: Breeding range extends from eastern North America (e.g., islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Quebec, and in Labrador and Newfoundland) to Europe (e.g., islands around Iceland, the British Isles, northern France, and Norway. Ranges at sea to nearby areas in the northern Atlantic Ocean, extending south to Florida and west (along the Gulf coast) to Texas (A.O.U. 1998).
Field Marks: Adult plumage is all white with golden cast to head and nape and black wing tips. Immature plumage varies over a four-year period; compare especially with the smaller Brown Booby.
Nest Habits: Breeds in colonies; nests on the ground; nest consists of a stack of seaweed and grass.
Eggs: 1; 78 millimeter; light bluish-white in color.
Incubation: Both sexes incubate the egg and care for the young. Incubation usually lasts 42-44 days and young fledge when they are about 84-97 days old.
Habitat: Nests on islands; found in pelagic waters, usually over continental shelf (A.O.U. 1998).
Distribution: Breeding range extends from eastern North America (e.g., islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off Quebec, and in Labrador and Newfoundland) to Europe (e.g., islands around Iceland, the British Isles, northern France, and Norway. Ranges at sea to nearby areas in the northern Atlantic Ocean, extending south to Florida and west (along the Gulf coast) to Texas (A.O.U. 1998).
Field Marks: Adult plumage is all white with golden cast to head and nape and black wing tips. Immature plumage varies over a four-year period; compare especially with the smaller Brown Booby.
Nest Habits: Breeds in colonies; nests on the ground; nest consists of a stack of seaweed and grass.
Eggs: 1; 78 millimeter; light bluish-white in color.
Incubation: Both sexes incubate the egg and care for the young. Incubation usually lasts 42-44 days and young fledge when they are about 84-97 days old.