Family: Podicipedidae
Habitat: Found on lakes, marshes, and bays, and also along seacoasts in winter (A.O.U. 1998).
Distribution: Breeding range extends from extreme southern British Columbia and central Alberta east to southern Manitoba; and south to southern California, Arizona (it is also a resident breeder in parts of Mexico), Colorado, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Winters along the Pacific coast (southeastern Alaska south to southern Baja California and Mexico), and inland to southern Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and western Texas (A.O.U. 1998).
Field Marks: Large grebe, with long, swan-like neck, and contrasting black and white colors.
Nest Habits: Nests over shallow water, on floating platform of vegetation.
Eggs: 2-7, usually 3-4; 58 millimeter; bluish-white in color.
Incubation: Approximately 23 days, by both sexes; young are able to fly after about 63-77 days.