Its now my turn to host A Fruit A Month (AFAM) for January. The event was initiated by Maheswari of Beyond the Usual, and has reached me after the special Christmas edition of AFAM - Dry Fruits over at the Yum Blog.
It didn't take me that long to zero in on a particular fruit. The only criteria was that it should be easily available and reasonably versatile. You can use it in a salad, in a dessert, as a garnish, even raw papaya is more than welcome!
So here it is, the fruit for January, 2008 is PAPAYA.

I am not giving out the normal nutritional information or recipes link since all this is just a Google Search away :)
Here are the event guidelines:
1. Prepare a dish with papaya as the main/one of the main ingredients and post it on your blog in the month of January. You can adopt any cuisine and use the fruit in any form, raw or ripe. The dish can be savory, sweet, or even a salad.
2. Have a link back to this event announcement so that others may also join us if interested. Feel free to use the logo above too.
3. Send in your entries to Last date for sending in your recipes is January 30, 2008.
Please include the following details in your email:
- AFAM Papaya in the subject line
- Name of your blog
- Name of dish
- Permalink of post
- Pic if any
4. Non-bloggers, feel free to send me the recipe and pic if any, and I will do the honours.
Hope this new year is filled with amazing experiments and fun at the kitchen for each and every one of you.