White Ibis (Eudocimus albus)

Family: Threskiornithidae

Habitat: Found in lagoons, marshes, mangroves, and shallow bodies of water, including flooded fields.

Distribution: Resident in Baja California, along both slopes of Mexico, along the Gulf coast from Texas to Florida, and along the Atlantic coast north to North Carolina. Wanders far north of this range.

Field Marks: Breeding adult is all white (except for black tips to wings) with pink bill and legs. Immature has pale gray head and neck, and dark wings; by second year it takes on a pied appearance as it begins molt to adult plumage.

Nest Habits: Breeds in colonies. Nest is placed near or over water, up to 15 feet high in tree; and consists of a platform of sticks lined with leaves.

Eggs: 4-5, usually 2-3; 58 millimeter; greenish-white in color, with brown markings.

Incubation: Both parents incubate the eggs. Incubation usually lasts about 21-23 days, and young are able to fly when they are approximately 28-35 days old.