Brant (Branta bernicla)

Family: Anatidae

Habitat: Found in Arctic tundra; in winter, usually frequents coastal bays, marshes, and estuaries (A.O.U. 1998).

Distribution: Breeding range extends form Southampton Island in Hudson Bay north to Greenland and west along the Arctic coast and islands of northern Canada to Western Alaska. Winters on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the United States, south to Baja California, Mexico, and Florida; also along the coastline of British Columbia and southeastern Alaska (A.O.U. 1998).

Field Marks: Small size; black on head, neck, and upper breast. Note small, white patch on side of neck. Depending on subspecies, belly color may be pale gray or mostly black in color.

Nest Habits: Breeds in loose colonies; nest is placed on the ground and is a depression lined with down feathers, grasses, leaves, and other materials.

Eggs: 1-8, usually 3-5; 73 millimeter; dull white in color.

Incubation: Incubation lasts approximately 22-26 days, by female. Young are able to fly when they are approximately 40-50 days old; both sexes care for the young.