Perfect Diet Drink - Honey Lime Ginger Concoction

I am not too big on taking diets but occasionally I feel like I have put on weight or that my stomach is flabbier or one of those crazy things that girls feel all the time and men don't understand. During those times, here is a drink that has really worked for me.

Disclaimer * - Like my mom says it could be my imagination that I am losing weight when I take this but try it for a month, atleast, first thing in the morning (after brushing your teeth please!) and let me know the result.

You will need:

Warm bordering on hot water - 1.5 cups
Freshly squeezed lime juice - 1 tbsp
Freshly grated ginger - to taste (I add very little)
Honey - again, to taste, but not more than 2 tbsp

Mix well, and drink away.