Okra Fry With Peanuts

Ok, I know what you are thinking. After all that hue and cry I made about being an okra-hater and all that, I go ahead and post 3 okra recipes in a span of 2 months. Well, the reason is, its one of the 'Indian' vegetables that I see always in the wet market and end up buying it thinking I can make something passable with it. After all, we both really liked the Okra with Besan curry that I made, TH more so because it resembles usili.

This is a dish I have tried in our office cafe when I was in Hyderabad. I always found it an interesting combination - ladies finger and peanuts. The crunch the peanuts gave to the curry was quite nice and though I wasn't sure what recipe the chef there used, I tried to replicate it the other day and it did come very close in taste.

What I Used:

Okra/ladies finger/vendakka - 15 (number of okras)
Raw shelled peanuts - 3 tbsp
Shallots - 4, chopped
Garlic - 1 tsp, minced (optional, but add for more flavour)
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Oil - 1 tbsp
Curry leaves - a few (optional)
How I Made It:

1. Heat oil in a pan and lightly fry the shallots and garlic. When it starts browning, add the chilli powder and fry for another 10-15 seconds.

2. Now add the okra and peanuts and fry on sim till the okra turns soft and the peanuts are done.

3. Finally, mix the salt and curry leaves in and remove from fire.

Serve with hot rice and some gravy.

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