Its been over 5 months since we moved to Singapore and since then I have been eating out quite a bit. TH and I have lunch out and while he finds it difficult to find good food outside (he is a vegetarian), its slightly easier for me. I am a very selective non-veg eater and after marriage, have been mostly sticking to vegetarian food. I mostly ask restaurants to customize their dishes by removing any red meat and substituting with vegetables if possible, or sometimes chicken. This is not easy considering South East Asian Cuisine has meat and seafood atleast in a hidden way, in the form of fish sauce or pork lard used for cooking.
Anyway, since I normally experiment on different kinds of cuisines, I thought I will document some of the dishes here. The pics are going to be a bit fuzzy since I don't carry my camera with me everywhere and use my phone mostly.
The other day, I went with 2 of my colleagues to a Korean restaurant called Seoul Kool and I tried the popular one dish Korean meal called Bibimbop (bee-beem-bop). Though normally served with beef, they also served the chicken version.
While we waited for our orders, they brought in 6 bowls with different starters. Unfortunately, I was only able to take a picture of half of them. There were steamed asparagus with chilli flakes, cabbage in some vinegar-chilly paste, mashed potatoes with some sort of seeds and white raisins, red beans in some sweet sauce (which was yummy), julienned carrots with spinach, tiny fish dried and fried (which I didn't try since I don't like dried fish).

The bibimbop came in a metal pot which was on a metal tray and it was *hot*. The dish looked pretty and colorful with all the components arranged in a nice manner. There was shredded chicken, fried seaweed, bean sprouts, cucumber, mushrooms, spinach, carrots, and some more unidentifiable vegetables and chilli noodles, all served on a bed of rice. We were supposed to mix it all well before eating. There is a also a leafy soup that can be added to it, along with some chilli paste. I tasted the soup and didn't like it - the leaves tasted like they were dried before cooking.

Though the serving looked small, once I started eating it, I found it quite filling. Also, they kept refilling the starters too. It was wholesome and flavorful. I loved it!