Sexy Brazilian Model - Gisele Bundchen

Recently, I was looking up information on some sexy Brazilian models when I discovered Gisele Bundchen. For those who do not know, Gisele Bundchen is not just any other model. She is the highest paid model in the world and in the Top 20 list of the richest women in the entertainment industry. Besides being a model, she is also a philanthropist and an actress.

Gisele Bundchen

While I was searching information about Gisele Bundchen, I stumbled upon a site with several sexy Gisele Bundchen Photos. The nice thing about this site is that it provides a short description above the photo sessions and the places where the pictures were taken.

One of my favorite pictures was Gisele Bundchen walking down the ramp at a fashion show in red lingerie. She looks extremely stunning in the picture and I am sure you will agree.

If you would like to see some more pictures of this mesmerizing model then I strongly suggest that you visit the site and take a look around.