The Unavoidable Recap - Recipes of 2009!

I hadn't intended to do this, but then I am doing some other things tonight that I hadn't intended to do originally anyway. Before you let your imagination go flying, TH and I are going to one of those super crowded NYE parties we very dutifully avoid each year. I hate crowds. He hates crowds. We are so totally made for each other. This year? We don't have enough friends in SG for a house party and we did the "just you and me, first NYE after marriage" thing last year which was okay but not something you want to do two years in a row. So we are going to be brave and face the crowds. Who knows, maybe we would be converts after this.

So 2009. Its been a horrible year for almost everyone I know. Part of it is definitely due to the recession but then some were beyond that. We had a bad year too, but I still can't help feeling blessed for all the good stuff that happened this year.

But this post is about Edible Garden and the incredible year its been. I cooked a lot, baked a lot, clicked a lot, learnt a lot, its been good. Very good. Here are some of the stars of 2009.

Most Visited Recipe - Paneer Butter Masala - Restaurant Style Recipe

Most of you Tried - Ennai Kathirikkai Kozhambu Recipe

Most Commented - Khadi Pakoda Recipe

Most Appreciated - The Food Photography Basics Series

Recipe I Loved the Most - Sweet Corn in Rich Onion Sauce 

Recipe TH Loved the Most - Vegetable Spring Rolls

Most Popular Baking Recipe - Butterscotch Blondies

There are tons more categories I can think of but I think this list, although not exhaustive, does a good job of summing things up which is what's important anyway.

I also learnt a lot. I learnt that:

- you guys love step by step recipes
- and also the food photography basics series
- everyone likes reciprocation and being answered when they have a question. Its very easy to be rude in the blogosphere.
- not everyone comes to my site for the recipes; some come for the pictures, some come to see what's up, most come because they like me. That's immensely sweet :)
- making friends is easy, making real friends is hard.
- passion for food is a wide concept and involves so many different things.
- I am an above average cook but I learn quickly. Next year, I think I will move to the "good" region.
- I have a very high bar when it comes to cooking.
- support and appreciation from family and you all is the number one thing that keeps me going.

Yeah, that was a bit mushy but then recaps are supposed to be like that.

Hope all of you have a wonderful new year.

PS: I haven't been visiting many of you over the past few days. It has to do a bit with the losing of the mojo I spoke about earlier. I should be back soon, don't be alarmed.