Here's a little weird beauty to break up your day.

These "Unconventional Body Objects" (there's some truth in advertising for you) are hand knitted pieces by Hungary-based designer Phuong Thuy Nguyen created by spreading thick hanks of wool on the floor and hand-knitting them into these wearable, and yes, highly unconventional pieces of art.

We love them for their strangeness but now it's got us thinking. Wouldn't these be great costumes for some sort of artsy fartsy sci-fi flick in the
Fifth Element or
Blade Runner mode? Why is it you never see knitting in futuristic costumes? It's one of the oldest textile techniques in the world and has never really waned, across millenia and continents. Clearly, it's not going anywhere, so hopefully some forward-thinking costume designer will see this post and, like so many do, exclaim, "Hey, those T Lo guys are right! Again!"
Source: "Unconventional Body Objects" [TrendLand][Photo Credit: huongthuy.carbonmade.com]
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