Okay, no strict recapping this week, minions. We're jumping straight into the theorizing and revelations because they really opened up the story with this one and in doing so demonstrated just how closed the loop really is. We sat down to this one thinking that they better pull something fun and interesting out of their trick bag soon, because the story was quickly losing us. Well, mission accomplished.

We don't know why it took us so long to figure this out - although we're blaming it on an understandable case of ennui - but the Director? The bitch with the shitty glasses and bob who seems to be in charge of this whole operation and who treats her staff like shit? She's the crazy doctor who was locked up and strait-jacketed; the one Mark and Kat went to see. The one that Tori's father originally told them to go see in South America. The one that ultimately pointed Mark and Kat to the church with the priest who confirmed that Joe used to be a priest there before he was abducted.
I know, right? Think about that for a second.
Upon first viewing, there was a lot of stuff that we found to be either implausible, coming out of nowhere, or a huge coincidence. Upon second viewing, not so much. We thought it

So, take all of those unl

Now let's think about some other things. So what really was going on with Kat's complete change in attitude from "remember your daughter" to "I can't take this anymore!" Kind of convenient that she can speak both Italian and Spanish, considering where their zig-zagging adventure took them. Remember when she dressed as a nun and swiped the Ambassador's card so that Mark could get in his office and find the picture? That was pretty slick of her,

Kat's the replacement.
I KNOW, right? What the HELL is going on here?
Also, this: we find out that this version of the program was to test Joe specifically. To see if he's a candidate for the "10th level," whatever that is. But then later the Director notices how badass Janet is. Even Erika noted that she was the strongest of them and the only one they hadn't gotten to yet. The Director starts thinking they should be paying a little more attention to Janet in this scenario. We always said we didn't trust her and once again this

At any rate, this episode was definitely the shot in the arm the series needed and we're back on board for what's coming. Throw your theories and observations out, minions. And if you haven't seen it yet, here you go: