Food Photography Basics - Choosing Your White Table

I'm kidding. This post doesn't have much to do with food photography as such. I have to revive that series, I know I know.

But meanwhile, I am going to answer the question many of you have asked me through comments and emails.

"What's that white background that you use in most of your pictures?"

And today, I present to you.. TADAAA..

OOPS! Oh wait! That's my extremely cluttered, not-white-at-all coffee table.

Here's my white table I use for food pics.

He may look a bit confused but that's because he is not used to being photographed without food on him, you see.

Its very convenient to have a hard, white base that easily cleanable and portable. The table weighs less than 1kg 2kg usual tables and you can bring it to any part of your house where there's enough natural light for your pics.

See what I mean? A white base reflects light well and enhances the picture when you later edit using Picasa or any other software. I love using a plain white base most times partly because I am too lazy to do an elaborate set up but mostly because I love the simplicity. Try it!

The table is from Ikea. Its a Lack Table that I bought for 20 SGD. I tried searching the Ikea website for the link but looks like they have stopped this product, maybe temporarily.

Moral of the story: grab the white table the moment you see it because by the time you consider it and decide, it may be too late.

Happy clicking on white!

** Coming up: a post dedicated to my oven which is another topic I get the most emails on. Looks like nobody is really reading my recipes eh? Ok, kidding :D