Pacha Andi / Raw Cashewnuts Aviyal Recipe

I am running out of recipes in draft! Although I have a zillion recipes bookmarked and ingredients for some of them, I am just not in the groove yet. In laws are visiting for a week so hopefully I can get some nice recipes from the MIL.

Anyway, this one is from my trip to Kottayam in August. The pics were hiding in my "Kottayam Holiday" folder so went totally unnoticed.

Pacha andi, or raw cashewnuts are not easily available and from what I know, are seasonal, in addition to being quite expensive. We have a man who delivers this to all our relatives' houses in Kerala, he has a thick moustache and a gruff voice. Last time I asked amma, she said he is getting old and obviously his son doesn't want to get into the "family business". When I was a kid, raw cashewnuts used to be 200 rupees for one kilo. Now they are about 290-300rs.

They are quite nice to eat as is, crunchy and fresh. When cooked, they turn a bit mushy and pasty (in a good way).

The only thing we ever make with this is aviyal. The recipe is exactly same as amma's Chakkakkuru Aviyal Recipe. The two changes you need to make are, since the cashewnuts cook quicker, you may only need about 5 mins boiling time. Also, add an extra 1/2 tsp red chilli powder since these are slightly sweet.

Oh and also, if you are unable to get your hands on some raw cashewnuts, soak some dried ones in water for atleast 2 hours and follow the same recipe :)